Monday, January 18, 2010

nadir [ney-deer] - the lowest point; point of greatest adversity or despair

I answered my question from last Monday.  Apparently the answer to "how low can you go?" is 1600 cells per microLiter.  That was my level of white blood cells in my CBC this morning.  Normal range is 4000-10000 ish.  My bloodcounts have reached the nadir of treatment and I bottomed out at 1600 cells/mcL.  Apparently this is borderline enough to possibly stop treatment.  I am at great risk for infection/flu/etc.  We decided to go ahead and continue with chemo today, but I will be working from home fom now until my counts are higher.  I need to start avoiding public places and checking my temperature much more frequently.

Oh the joys of cancer treatment.


  1. So sorry about your bad news! Hang in there!

  2. Sorry to hear this. Hopefully won't last for much longer.

  3. We're all with you Jen! Keep your spirits up!

  4. Don't risk it. When I came back to work immune supressed, I got bronchitis. Stay home! Stay as healthy as you can. People at work have been asking about you and are wishing you well.
