Monday, February 1, 2010

Not enough percocet in the house

This morning I decided to take the one percocet I had left over from pre-surgery.  I was able to eat/drink witth only increasing my pain to a 4 or so.  Before the drugs, it had gotten to the point where even the ensure and yogurt was knocking the pain up to a 6 or 7, so a 4 was a welcome surprise.  Also, I had gotten to a point where every 15 minutes I was sucking on a lidocaine dipped q-tip.  With the percocet, I didn't really need to do that.

So, when I saw my RO today I asked for a prescription for some percocet.  He gave it to me and I dropped it off at Walgreens.  Unfortunately, he forgot to write the strength on the prescription, so the pharmacy has to wait and fill it in the morning after they talk to him. :(

In the meantime, I thought maybe I could take Jake's percocets.  Unfortunately, he is almost out of them and even though he called his neurologist's nurse on Tuesday to say the percocet wasn't working well and could he get a prescription for something else, he hasn't heard back from her.  He called a different number today and they claimed he didn't leave a message until Thursday...which is a lie...and that he was just going to have to wait for the neurologist to call him back.

So we only have enough percocets in the house to last one person 2 days.  We're both in pain and both waiting on word from our doctors to fix/get new prescriptions.  I guess we'll just have to start rationing it out. :\

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