Saturday, February 6, 2010

My newest prescription sucks


On Friday I asked if I could get a prescription for a home suction machine.  Since my appointments are so late in the day, by the time I left, most medical supply stores were closed until Monday.  I called this one store and they said it wasn't a problem and they sent out a guy to bring the thing to my house and set it up.  It was awesome.  I have no idea how much this will cost, but I'm hoping not much.  They submit the form to my insurance and I pay the difference.

This machine is great at getting all that extra mucus out of my throat.  I'm still having a lot of trouble with that.  I notice myself falling asleep and waking myself up with the snoring-like noises I start making.  It's actually a gurgling of mucus in my throat as the air goes past it.  ewwwwwwwwww.

I'm tired and have a lot more mouth sores, but the pain meds work well and I'm trying to take lots of naps.

It's a little lonely around here.  My mom left this morning.  It was great having her around to drive me to appointments and really clean the house.   I appreciated the help so much.  My mother-in-law is coming this next week to help out with my final week of treatment.

That light is continuing to get brighter.  Only 4 more treatments to go! :)

1 comment:

  1. Very smart thing to ask for! Glad it is working for you. Wondering if I can maybe get your mailing address sweetie. I have something to send to you.
