Monday, February 8, 2010

STILL 4 treatments to go :(

I showed up for radiation today and the radiation techs looked concerned about my radiation burns on my neck.  They had Dr. Nguyen take a look.  Dr. Nguyen wanted to postpone treatment for a few days.  We compromised on checking it out again tomorrow.  I guess the problem is that my neck started bleeding.  When that happens, the radiation can cause the cuts to rip open during treatment.  The only way to properly heal them is to give them time.  I'm going to put a ton of anointment on my burns and then hopefully not have all the bloody marks tomorrow.  I just want to finish!  I'm having a hard time keeping it together.

Here's a glimpse at my neck.  It's not THAT bad, is it? :(

1 comment:

  1. I know it is bad for the treatment, but it really doesn't look that bad. So don't worry about that (if you were). I know its not the same, but I burned up my neck a few years ago in a car accident. Neosporin healed up the little open wounds in a day or two. Just don't take steroids or you'll take forever to heal! ;)
    Just remember you're so close. Then you might have a vacation if you're up to it. If not, take a mini vacation at home. I'll bring you a palm tree, some sand and a humidifier. Keep up the good work!
