Sunday, November 29, 2009

oh how I miss you, left cranial nerve XII...

Achoo! Great, there goes snot all over my hands again... For some reason, ever since surgery I've had a really hard time sneezing correctly. Every time I do the stuff goes everywhere, not just a little area of my hand or a tissue or whatever.

I decided to Google it. Turns out that neurons connected to cranial nerve XII "regulate the reflexes of vomiting, sneezing, swallowing, and coughing." Well, my other nerves are not compensating nicely on this one. I'm tired of making such a mess when I sneeze. Swallowing has improved considerably, except when I'm laying down. I guess it's harder when I don't have gravity aiding me. *extra gross alert* Also, I had to go out and buy a tongue scrapper because my tongue isn't moving around enough to adequately remove all the food particles off the back of my tongue. Yuck. *end of alert*

Also, I'm still having difficulty speaking clearly, drinking with a straw, and eating at a reasonable speed. Last night we went out to a mexican place for Jake's birthday (his actual birthday is tomorrow, but we decided to go out on a Saturday night instead). First I had to repeat my order a couple times. I wanted a "eso enchilada with hreen sauce" (queso enchilada with green sauce). Then my frozen margaritta came with a straw in it and I couldn't drink it. Then we were there forever because it was taking me so long to eat. *sigh* I guess on the upside, I have some yummy leftovers for tonight.

Yes, I am continuing to make improvements, but I still wish my cranial nerve hadn't gotten damaged to begin with. :\

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear things are improving, Jen, and I hope things continue to improve exponentially (sorry for the engineer-speak). This blog is a great idea. I feel like I'm learning more from your blog than I did in biology class!

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving,

