Monday, September 6, 2010

I can't believe you're still out there

So I posted about a week ago to see if anyone out there was still checking in on this thing.... and much to my surprise, you were!  My life has gotten boring.  Why would anyone want to read about it? haha   I guess if you all are interested in reading about my happily boring life, then here it goes...

Work has been hectic and stressful, like always, although a few of my coworkers/friends and I were recently recognized for all the hard work/long hours we had been putting in lately....  so I should be expecting a nice little bonus in my next paycheck. :)

Friday night (pizza night at our household) was pretty awesome as my mother-in-law recently visited and brought us a frozen Giordano's pizza from Chi-town. :)

The rest of this Labor Day weekend has been spent either relaxing or doing yard work.  I have lofty plans for our backyard, "the desert jungle".  Yesterday was spent uprooting a dead bush.  Today I plan to go out shopping for some rubber pavers and discussing what would be the best type of grass to plant in Tucson, especially if you have dogs who like to roll around and dig in it.  I really wanted to get the bulk of the yardwork done this weekend since we plan on having guests over next weekend, but it seems like I could spend hours outside and hardly make a dent.  Hopefully today is more fruitful.

So... why are we having guests over next weekend, you ask?  Well... to celebrate my birthday!  My birthdays over the past few years have not been that great.... from my dad dying, to a horrible breakup with Jake, to my first biopsy, to picking out my own present/cake from my husband who chose to sulk and complain the whole day.  So.... needless to say, I didn't have that great of expectations for my birthday this year, but...  Jake (with a little bit of persuading on my end) has begun to organize a get-together with a few of my friends for this upcoming weekend....  So I've started to get excited.  I don't really know what we're going to do yet.  There will definitely be good food and good music, and then either video games or a movie or something.  I haven't quite decided yet.  I think what I'd really like to do is have a Tapas & wine-tasting dinner.... but it all depends on how much I can prep ahead of time or feel comfortable having my guest help in preparing.  We'll see.  But yeah... I'm getting excited with the prospects of a "happy birthday". :)

Anyway... I guess that's all for today.  I am going to try hard to keep updating a least once a week or so now that I know that there are still people out there reading this.  Thanks. :)


  1. Hi Jen,
    Glad to hear you are doing better:) I wanted to check with you and see if you know when the book "Life on the Line" is coming out for sure?
    Is James Beard the Author?

  2. Sorry I couldn't stay longer for your birthday, but I hope you had a great time. You were smiling a lot, so it looked like you were having fun. You know how it is with medical crap, so I know you understood why my celebration with you was so brief. But hey, at least I made it out, even if only for a few minutes!
