Sunday, October 17, 2010

"On the plains of old Sedona, Arizona... among the trees"

Brownie points if you recognized the obscure Pixies reference in the title...

I realize it's been a while since I updated my blog.  I would have written last weekend, but Jake and I were out of town.  It was our 2nd anniversary and we decided to celebrate by taking a day off of work and traveling up to Sedona, AZ.

It was quite enjoyable.  We took a train tour of the Verde Canyon, went out for a nice dinner, and then took a hot air balloon ride at sunrise the following morning.  I got some pretty awesome pictures.  The views were spectacular!  I would definitely recommend hot air ballooning at least once in your life.  I don't really know if I'd do it again.  I think it was maybe a bit pricey for what it was.

I guess that's about all I have to say regarding our Sedona Anniversary get-away.  Thanks to all of you who sent "Happy Anniversary" wishes and cards.  I hope to send you all personal emails when I get a chance.  There just aren't enough hours in the day!  And with that.... I hope you enjoy some of the pictures I took...


  1. Beautiful Jen! A belated Happy Anniversary to you guys. I have a question - is the train thing accessible? We are in AZ every couple of years to visit my step mom and step sister and I think Catherine would love the photo ops of the train trip but we always have to consider the accessibility. Thanks for any info!

  2. Glad you had such an amazing trip! Ryan and I celebrated our anniversary on October 6 and wished we could have had a long weekend trip like you did...but with the P.E. exam in less than two weeks, I haven't been able to sacrifice any weekend studying time!
