When I went to brush my teeth tonight it seemed a bit sore on the left side of my tongue, so I did an extra-thorough investigation of the insides of my mouth only to find this:

(note...this picture was taken with my phone so it might be hard to see)
Basically you can see a small broken blood vessel and slightly below and in front of it is a small white patch, very reminiscent of my first cancer sighting two years ago... but much smaller.
I made a promise with myself that I'd always give myself 24 hours before freaking out, but I'm having a hard time living up to the deal tonight. I've also been battling what I've assumed was a sinus infection for almost a week, which I read can be caused by tumors in the face. So those two facts together just make me more afraid. Needless to say, I'm paranoid and can't sleep.
It's probably nothing, right? My lunch today was a bit too hot when I took the first bite. Maybe I just burned myself. Maybe it's just an infection related to this sinus issue I've been dealing with. Maybe I just bit my tongue. There are many things it could be that aren't cancer, but I just want you all to see that the cancer journey doesn't end when the treatment does. It continues as a lifetime of fear and paranoia. *sigh*
Well, believe it or not, typing this all out gave me a bit of comfort, enough to probably get some sleep. I guess I'll check out my tongue in the morning and if the spot is still there, I'll be calling my doctor. :/
I'll keep you all posted, but for now, good night.
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