Friday, January 1, 2010

dealing with a case of the sniffles

Well, I seem to be doing better tiredness-wise today. Maybe Jake and I will actually get a chance to go out later today.... maybe to a movie or something. :)

My mom and sister left this morning :( It was nice spending time with them and also nice to have help cleaning the house. It's so nice having this entire weekend without needing to do a ton of chores. Thanks, mom! My mom will be back in a couple weeks to help drive me to the final weeks of treatment. Until then, I bet I can manage the appointments myself or with the help of Jake.

I'm battling a case of the sniffles right now, which is a bit annoying. I read the side effects from some of the anti-nausea meds the other day and one listed "nasal congestion and blurred vision", two symptoms I had started to develop. The vision came back, but the sniffles stayed. I hope they go away soon. When I wear that radiation mask, my mouth is forced closed and I can only breath out of my nose. With the sniffles, it makes it a bit trickier.

Well, I guess I better go find something fun to do. It's such a nice feeling not having to worry about doing all my chores today. :)

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome. Make sure you save plenty for me to do when I return. :-)
